(Responsible for the content in accordance with Art. 55 para. 2 RStV)
Ute Paech GmbH & CO. Kg
Managing director: Nicolas Zorn, Michael Brandt
Wellseedamm 21
24145 Kiel
Phone: + 49 431 71 27 11
Fax: + 49 431 71 38 98
Email: service@paech.comValue added tax registration number (VAT Reg.No.)
DE 186745 545
Competent supervisory authority: BAG
Register entry: District court Kiel dept. 5 HRA No. 3733
Website, Programming, Design, Concept, Photos: Thorsten Mischke, Kiel,
1. Website content
This website was compiled with utmost care. Ute Paech can nonetheless not vouch for all provided information being up to date, accurate and complete
Ute Paech reserves the right to make additions and changes to the service offers.
2. References and links
This Site may contain links to other Web sites operated by third parties other than Ute Paech. Ute Paech does not control such Web sites and is not responsible for their content. These links have been checked with no legal objections the first time they have been linked to our website.
3. Copyright
All rights reserved. All photos, texts and design elements are property of the Ute Paech GmbH & CO. Kg and are protected by the copyright.
Ute Paech GmbH & Co. KG, Wellseedamm 21, 24145 Kiel, Telefon +49 431 712711, Telefax +49 431 713898, E-Mail